
Kunal Karma

"Karma letter" Is the second half of your creator journey you've already started. Do yourself a favor & let the "Karma letter" build you.

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You are living in the Matrix - Here's how to escape it:

You know who is neo?You probably know him from a fictional movie named "The Matrix".The story of Neo starts when he discovers the truth about the world he is living in.He becomes aware of the existence of something known as "Matrix".Not just the NEO, Every person you know have experience the matrix.The matrix starts when you are born, you go to school, get a degree, get a job, work for a job you hate to get the pleasure you never need.The matrix is everywhere.In all the people who experience...

If you don't know what you want out of life then you'll be assigned one and the harsh reality is that you'll believe it.You wake up, you pick up your phone, you start scrolling....That's how your ideal days look like...If you narrow your focus and try to understand what you do at the time you wake up till the time you go to bed you'll be shocked.because You have no idea how consuming your lifestyle is.The harsh reality is that most of the people are living on autopilot mode.The internet has...

In this world there are only 2 kinds of people:X and YX is the one who works for his business.Y is the one who works for the X business.If you look around yourself, you'll realize that there are only these 2 kinds of people.If you look at Elon musk, Gautam Adani, Mark Zuckerberg or Richard Branson.You'll notice that there are 2 things common in all these people.1 is they are extremely wealthy, and the other one is that they have successfully defeated the education trap.They are the ones who...

Most people are stuck in the same place they were at 1 year ago.Because they are complaining about the things they don't have full control over.They were criticizing about the things they don't have control over.They are comparing themselves with someone whom they don't have full control over.You can't grow If you're living with the mentality where you're just complaining, criticizing and comparing.It even began to dawn upon me that 99 out of 100 people, don't criticize themselves for...

Have you ever been disrespected by the people around you?What was your situation at the moment of insult?Have you felt powerless in those situations?If yes?Then what if I told you that you can turn those insults to your advantage.For that you have to accept some brutal reality of human interaction:People love to insult someone who is doing better than themselves.Your friends and society will always tell you to become a nice guy and always disrespect you.They will tell you because they want...

What if I told you to imagine yourself in a situation where you are living fearlessly?It doesn't matter if the topic is your career, business or relationship.You have no idea how powerful you can become if you become truly fearless.But the reality is different.Becoming fearless in all areas is impossible because fear is an emotion which is part of our life.But what if i told you to imagine yourself as a person who is less feared than 95% of the human being?Yeah you got it.You're living in a...

Emotionally Unavailable!That's what the last newsletter topic was.This philosophy hit me hard because that the foundation of getting my natural power and becoming focused.You may think that focus is a superpower which can be obtained or acquired.But what if I told you that you're wrong.Harsh reality is that we're living in the age where our fake gurus tell us that "Focus is a superpower."If you believe focus as a superpower which can be acquired, then you can't be focused.I wish I knew this...

Distractions! There are lot of distractions we don't even know about. At the time when we wake up, till we go to sleep there are endless distractions in our way stopping ourselves to become focused. Focus is an essential part of identity shifting, reinventing or basically that's the art of life.Focus demands a still mind which can think and act accordingly the needs.Harsh truth is that we're living in the information edge.Information's around us are easily available to us than any before.Stop...

I wish I knew this at my younger age that being alone is not about being lonely.I become very introvert kind of person when I realized that I don't have any special thing to attract friends.I used to watch those short term motivational videos about how to make friends or how to attract peoples.Now I used to know that at that moment when I had nothing special that moment used to made me the person I'm today.If i were partying and enjoying with friends and chasing girls then my story will also...

Life throws curveballs. Sometimes, those curveballs knock us down hard. But what if, instead of staying down, we used those moments to launch ourselves into the greatest comeback of our lives?Its called Redefining Your Rise.The first step is acknowledging the setback. Dwelling on it won't help, but ignoring it sets you back further. Instead, use this as a chance to rewrite your narrative. What went wrong? Was it an external force or a personal misstep? Analyze the situation and learn from...