Stop complaining, criticizing and comparing:

Most people are stuck in the same place they were at 1 year ago.
Because they are complaining about the things they don't have full control over.
They were criticizing about the things they don't have control over.
They are comparing themselves with someone whom they don't have full control over.
You can't grow If you're living with the mentality where you're just complaining, criticizing and comparing.
It even began to dawn upon me that 99 out of 100 people, don't criticize themselves for anything no matter how wrong they may be.
The harsh truth is that the desperate men and women behind prison walls don't blame themselves for anything.
What about the people with whom and I come in contact?
The more experiment in my life the more I realized that there is no competition with anyone.
Instead I start to view this philosophy as a perspective that there is no competition because I want you to win too.

Why you need to stop complaining, criticizing and comparing?
People complain about the things because they don't have control over those things.
I have observed people complain about weather, politics, economy and how others people thinks.
I realized these are the things that we don't have any control over.
So next time whenever you're complaining about anything.
Ask yourself that is that in my control or not.
If something is on your control then you'll not complain about such things but instead you'll work on such things to fix it.
And If something is not in your control then it's far better for you to stop giving a FK about those things.

Next one is same as the previous one:
Criticism goes nowhere.
It just reflect who you are.
When you are criticizing anyone you just show who your are.
There are many good and bad things in everyone and if you're criticizing someone because of those bad things.
Then you're just focusing on the 1 side of anyone.
You forget about what can be better.
Whenever you're criticizing someone just remember that you're doing what you're feeling inside yourself.
Instead of criticizing others it's far better for you to master yourself.
So, you don't have to be crazy in those situations which make average people go crazy.

The another one: Comparing:
The world is full of competition.
At the time you go to school till the day you die.
You and everyone must face endless competition.
Everyone will compare you with another one.
And day after day you'll start to understimate yourself that you're not good or great enough.
But what if I told you that you can turn those competition into your advantages?
Look majority of the people in your life are just comparing themselves with others or yourself.
If you become the same person as everyone else then you'll get the same result majority of the people get.
I called it The Matrix.
Everyone one have their uniqueness.
And if you judge a fish by climping a tree or a monkey by swimming then you won't found their unique abilities.
Instead of comparing yourselves with others start comparing yourself with your past version.
At from this point of your life you make sure that in future whenever you're complaining, criticizing or comparing about anything or anyone, you'll stop immediately and tell yourself I'm better than this.
That's it for today, until then succeed Individually.


Kunal Karma

"Karma letter" Is the second half of your creator journey you've already started. Do yourself a favor & let the "Karma letter" build you.

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