The modern devil is "Cheap Dopamine".

If you don't know what you want out of life then you'll be assigned one and the harsh reality is that you'll believe it.
You wake up, you pick up your phone, you start scrolling....
That's how your ideal days look like...
If you narrow your focus and try to understand what you do at the time you wake up till the time you go to bed you'll be shocked.
because You have no idea how consuming your lifestyle is.
The harsh reality is that most of the people are living on autopilot mode.
The internet has made us slave.
Slavery is not about just working for the someone else but the modern slavery is Consuming.
Consuming irrelevant contents and letting yourselves getting distracted by the cheap pleasures.
The Internet has failed us like the education system.
But really? was the actual purpose of the internet was to make us slave?
the reality is different and to get clarity about the reality you have to go deeper...

In 1990 that was the time, British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World wide web internet to access information through hyperlinks and web pages.
The purpose was simple to make productivity even better.
But what is exactly happening now.
Most of the people are using the internet for entertainment purposes.
they consume contents that have nothing to do with their goals
People have no control over their emotions because their emotions are getting up and down in every 20-30 seconds.
You watch a reel where your emotion gets triggered, you get anxious, in the next reel you laugh, then in the next you feel sad, then angry and then lost.
Your emotions are changing every 30 seconds.
and that's really a very bad thing in terms of emotional intelligence.
Distractions are everywhere.
You have a project to do. You open the youTube for searching your project related content but you see an irreverent thumbnail and you click on that.
It's been 37 minutes and you're consuming the contents on and on that are not relevant to the project you are building.
The modern devil is cheap dopamine.

out of 100 approx. 50 to 60 people have internet connections..
We're living in the age of the internet where the information and data are the weapons or I can say these are the business models.
There are various million dollar companies working and building products and services to make you distracted.
Attention is the new business model.
Where you think you are just consuming contents
It is costing you more than what you can imagine.
The better reality is that the problem is not the internet but the way you are using the internet is the problem.

And the solution to most of your problems is "Focus"...
Distractions are everywhere. It doesn't matter how distracted you are, what matters is how narrow you can focus your attention towards the vision you are creating.
One things Just one thing. you stick to that and everything else don't mean sh*t. - That's philosophy from the book The one thing.
Begin with the 1 simple clear vision.
In a world of distractions where people think that everything matters equally.
It becomes very hard to focus on the 1 thing.
People will tell you to do this, this, this and this also.
And at the time you'll realize that not everything matters equally will be the time you'll realized that success isn't the game won by whoever does the most.
Focus demands the clarity of your vision.
Instead of getting distracted by too many things like your school, college, job or the society rules.
Start searching for your The One thing because the rest matters nothing.
Until then, Succeed Individually.


Kunal Karma

"Karma letter" Is the second half of your creator journey you've already started. Do yourself a favor & let the "Karma letter" build you.

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