The Education Trap.

In this world there are only 2 kinds of people:
X and Y
X is the one who works for his business.
Y is the one who works for the X business.
If you look around yourself, you'll realize that there are only these 2 kinds of people.
If you look at Elon musk, Gautam Adani, Mark Zuckerberg or Richard Branson.
You'll notice that there are 2 things common in all these people.
1 is they are extremely wealthy, and the other one is that they have successfully defeated the education trap.
They are the ones who were able to defeat the matrix of the education system.
Education system which is a trap for every human being who is living in this generation.
The harsh truth is that most of the people are constantly working to get stuck in such a trap which makes them become a "Y" person.
You are born, you go to school, you get a degree, you get a job then you realize that you're successful.
But the reality is different.
And to get clarity about the reality you have to go deeper.

When and why:
1835 that was the time British established the education system act in India.
The purpose was simple to get the work done.
British wanted to get the people who can work from them without any question.
The mass population in India at that moment was Indian.
And if you read out the history, you'll realize that the British empire was running in India because of those Indians who were just accepting the order of their superior without any question.
The reason was their mentality which was manipulated.
Those were the psychology which were used by the British for controlling human behavior and acting accordingly to the needs of the superior without any question.
Which helped the British to dominate India for a long time.
But wait, what.
If you think that these are the traps which were used in the past for manipulation, and these are not relevant for today's world then you need to rethink.
The point I'm going to share with you at the moment will surprise you.

How education system is manipulating the modern world:
It's safe to say out of 100 people more than 50 people are working hard to get a degree.
Getting education for their kids.
The average mentality of people in the current world is that they have to raise their kids so their kids can get a higher education.
Higher education and wealthy school are the new flex for the parents nowadays.
Except for those who are not even close to purchasing a book.
Imagine the lifestyle of a middle-class family member whose parents are working hard so their 3 children's can qualify the 10th
after that 12th then graduation.
You can’t imagine the hard work and struggle behind these stories of every middle-class family without living such life.
Every single struggle is for 1 purpose: Getting that degree.
And when you realize that there is no value of such a degree in a market of leaders then it becomes more painful.
Look, I wanted to tell you that there is no issue with the education system if you want to live like a worker.
Because the education system is all about making workers.

But the revolution BEGINS from here:
If you have a mentality where you are fed up with the education system.
You treat a degree as garbage.
You hate the 9-5 lifestyle.
Then obviously you are the one who is going to build that business.
The only way to let yourself and your upcoming generation get out from the education trap is business.
But the harsh reality is that building a business is not easy because you are starting from scratch.
And I wish I knew this before building your business is all about building yourself first.
Look if you're building from scratch then you're starting your whole journey.
It is the process and process that demands patience.
So, that's just the beginning. I'm here for you for the long run.
Until then... succeed individually.

Kunal Karma

"Karma letter" Is the second half of your creator journey you've already started. Do yourself a favor & let the "Karma letter" build you.

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