You are living in the Matrix - Here's how to escape it:

You know who is neo?
You probably know him from a fictional movie named "The Matrix".
The story of Neo starts when he discovers the truth about the world he is living in.
He becomes aware of the existence of something known as "Matrix".
Not just the NEO, Every person you know have experience the matrix.
The matrix starts when you are born, you go to school, get a degree, get a job, work for a job you hate to get the pleasure you never need.
The matrix is everywhere.
In all the people who experience the matrix there was 1 person who was me.
I had no idea about what a matrix is, I didn't even know that there is a term called matrix.
Day by day and time by time I started to observe the society paradox.
I started to realize why everyone is going to school, get a degree, get a job then make money then enjoy.
I question if enjoyment is the goal then why people are working for someone else to enjoy their own life?
But as a kid my questions were not answered because there was no one to explain this.
And as like everyone I was going to run in the same race where everyone was running, The race of the matrix.
Until I realized the game of matrix that why only 5% of people in our surrounding achieve greatness or mastery even when everyone wanted to be successful.
I have realized the reality of what makes people great and what makes people unsuccessful.
I have observed something which most people don't care to understand.
I have observed the endless traps which is being made for making us unsuccessful.
The trap where you think that you control your lives but it's not in your control until you understand the game of matrix.

So, what is matrix:
First of all you must understand the term matrix otherwise you'll be stuck like just 95% of the people.
Matrix there is no explanation of the term Matrix.
It is a term which you can only understand by experiencing it.
And for experiencing the term matrix you have to question your own morality.
Have you ever felt like your thinking is different from most people?
Have you felt that the education system, the 9to5 lifestyle and then retirement after working for 40 years for someone else and then retiring this all as a trap?
Have you ever felt the rules made by society are just a trap to live someone else's life?
If yes then you have already experienced the matrix.
The matrix where you think you control your life but actually your life is being controlled by someone else.
It may sound strange, but it's not important. What's important is the "Truth".

How Internet is the matrix:
In this world on an average every person spends more than 5 hours on the internet.
Consuming contents on and on with only limitations of the phone battery backup.
so it's very common to get influenced by the things which we spend our time on.
And the number one thing who is responsible for this is the internet.
The only goal of the internet is to get your attention.
The more time you give on the internet the more your brain will be washed.
The more they will wash your brain the more money they will make.
So, who they are? who brainwashes you.
The people you know as the richest men's in the world.
All the social media industry you spend your time on is controlled by the world's richest person's.
On the internet you can get whatever you want.
Cheap Entertainments can fuel your mind with cheap pleasures.
Quick rich scheme gurus can fuel your mind with fake lifestyles.
News media can fuel your mind to make you distracted in religion and politics.
The Internet is a virtual reality and that is why it is very easy to get trapped here.
because on the internet you can access everything.
Literally every single thing whatever you wanted.
The problem is not that you are lazy or bored even the greatest innovators were lazy and still they achieve greatness and make fortune.
The problem is that you are distracted because of consuming contents on and on which has nothing to do with your life.

So, what to do? What is the solution?
I know that there is a problem but why waste the time on the problems when we can find the solution.
The solution is that the best way to manipulate the matrix is a 2-step process which I have learned from the DAN KOE
Step 1) Observe what 95% of society does.
Step 2) Do the opposite.
It is really very simple but maybe for most people it can be hard.
The reason is their environment.
I have read books, watch thousands of documentaries after learning the philosophy I realized that:
"Our ability to take action depends on our mentality and our mentality is being created by our environment."

What are the people in your surroundings are doing:
If you see a kid his work is to go to school.
If you see an adult his work is to get a degree or a job.
If you see an old person, his work is to retire after working for 40 years.
That is what everyone or I can say 95% of the people are doing in your environment.
But here is the catch:
You must do the opposite of what all these people are doing in your surroundings.
It's very easy to know what you don't need to do instead of searching for what you need to do.
Look, when you start to make changes in your character.
It is very hard to get started because you don't know what to do in the beginning.
Instead of asking what you need to do, ask yourself what you don't need to do.
Instead of asking what you want in your life, ask yourself what you don't want in your life.
Pickup a pen and a paper and write down every single thing you don't wanted in your life:
I never want to work for a job in my life.
I never want to get a degree to work.
I never want to work for someone else for 40 years.
I never want to work under someone else.
I never want to follow society's rules.
I never want to run in the rat race.
Become a mad scientist like you are creating your future in your mind.
Write down every single thing whatever you never wanted to accomplish in your life.
Write down every single thing which you don't want to live in your life.
And when you write these all things you must feel insecure that where you will end up if you don't take back control over your life.
If you think that you don't need to do this because it's hard or useless.
Then the only realization you need to make is that "No one is going to save you."
This newsletter will end, and there will be just 2 outcomes: whether you have wasted your time here like the 95% people who waste their time on consuming contents.
Or you can use this as an investment for your future like the opposite of 95% people.
Everything is in your control so take control over your life.
Until then… Succeed individually.


Kunal Karma

"Karma letter" Is the second half of your creator journey you've already started. Do yourself a favor & let the "Karma letter" build you.

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