Fear is the greatest illusion.

What if I told you to imagine yourself in a situation where you are living fearlessly?
It doesn't matter if the topic is your career, business or relationship.
You have no idea how powerful you can become if you become truly fearless.
But the reality is different.
Becoming fearless in all areas is impossible because fear is an emotion which is part of our life.
But what if i told you to imagine yourself as a person who is less feared than 95% of the human being?
Yeah you got it.
You're living in a society where everyone around you will tell you the negative outcome of everything that you wanted to achieve.
They will try to ruin your uniqueness mentally, because they can't have the mentality like you.
You can't grow if you let those fears and those people's mentality guide you.
Everything you want is the other side of fear.

But before you win your fear you must know what is fear?
- Fear is an emotion.
It's part of your mind.
From the time you were born till now your mind has grown.
Your mind has collected a lot of emotions, feelings and memories.
These are the things that control your abilities to behave.
You can imagine a person's past environment by observing his control over fear.
If you see a man who doesn't fear anything then accept that in his past life he had turned all his obstacles into opportunities.
Mentally strong people fear nothing because they accept the truth that nothing is permanent.

As I have told you that fear is a mentality.
And people's mentalities depended on their past environment.
People fear because they are afraid.
They are afraid of losing something or losing someone.
You can be a beta male who believes everything is temporary.
Or a sigma male who believes that nothing is permanent.
Both have the same meaning but different mentality.
When you accept that nothing in this world is permanent.
You give yourself the ability to become fearless because you know that at any moment anything can be taken away from you and you'll accept that.
In this world the most powerful person is a man who know about sacrifices.
Fear can never touch you if you're willing to sacrifice your whole life at any moment.
People fear because they live in the future that everything can be taken away from them.
But if you accept that whatever yours cannot be taken and whatever is not yours can never be yours.
Then only you can overcome your fear.
I know that the point I have told you was extreme.

But what you need most to become fearless is not asking why but WHY NOT:

As I have already told you that fear is the part of life which you can't avoid. You can be a boy who is controlled by his fear or a man who controls his fear.
At every time you have 2 choices:
You can forget everything and run.
Or face everything and rise.
When you choose the second option you transform yourself into a man who has full control over fear.
In this world there are kinds of people who take actions even though they know that they can lose their life.
They can die at any moment even without that they fear nothing.
The only reason is PURPOSE.
They have the mentality where there is nothing superior to their purpose.
If you think about how a soldier can not have the fear of dying.
Then yes they don't have fear because they have a purpose.
They have a mentality that their purpose needs to be fulfilled even if they die tomorrow.
If you want the kind of fearlessness they should have a purpose.

A man of purpose is fearless and when you become fearless life become limitless.

Kunal Karma

"Karma letter" Is the second half of your creator journey you've already started. Do yourself a favor & let the "Karma letter" build you.

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