Emotionally Unavailable.

There are lot of distractions we don't even know about.
At the time when we wake up, till we go to sleep there are endless distractions in our way stopping ourselves to become focused.
Focus is an essential part of identity shifting, reinventing or basically that's the art of life.
Focus demands a still mind which can think and act accordingly the needs.
Harsh truth is that we're living in the information edge.
Information's around us are easily available to us than any before.
Stop trying to capture every Information for letting people feel you know everything.
A wealth of information creates poverty of attention.
I wish I knew this before that focus isn't about doing more but doing less.

The anti-vision:
If you want to know what you want out of life?
Then you have to know what you don't want first.
Anti-vision is the philosophy about getting clarity and becoming focused.
My anti vision is what helping me to become focused.
1) I don't care about celebrities.
2) I don't care about sports.
3) I don't care about politics.
4) I don't care about religion.
5) I don't care about cheap entertainment.

I know what my anti vision and that's why I'm free from all these distractions, which distract 95% people 95% of the time.
Once you master your anti-vision, you'll know that your vision should be just to build your mind, body and business.
Once you free yourself from distractions you'll became focused.
When you follow your anti-vision, focus become your natural power.
Be content to appear clueless or stupid in extraneous matters.
Until then... succeed Individually.

- Karma

Kunal Karma

"Karma letter" Is the second half of your creator journey you've already started. Do yourself a favor & let the "Karma letter" build you.

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