The art of being alone.

I wish I knew this at my younger age that being alone is not about being lonely.
I become very introvert kind of person when I realized that I don't have any special thing to attract friends.
I used to watch those short term motivational videos about how to make friends or how to attract peoples.
Now I used to know that at that moment when I had nothing special that moment used to made me the person I'm today.
If i were partying and enjoying with friends and chasing girls then my story will also be like the average person.
Which I never wanted to be like that.
You have to stop trying to feel like you need people.
You can't grow unless you start to live alone instead of feeling lonely.

Creativity demands clarity and clarity demands solitude.

Nikola tesla once said "Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born".
When you leave alone you cut outside noise and you met the greatest version of you.
You'll start to question the limiting beliefs and seek for the truth.
That the time you can found the clarity about mind, body relationship or business.
That's the clarity which will help you become creative.

Remember, Being alone is a power.

When you live alone you become responsible or victim.
Its just your perception that you can turn your alone time for the greatest comeback of your life or let those time be the victim of your life.
Being alone is a power very few people can handle it.
Stay alone and embrace your own darkness.
Until then... Succeed Individually.

- Karma

Kunal Karma

"Karma letter" Is the second half of your creator journey you've already started. Do yourself a favor & let the "Karma letter" build you.

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