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You know about it that mindset is everything.

That's the main difference between any failure and successful person.

Our mindset develops where we spend our time.

Our beliefs control our abilities to feel & think.

Here is the reality:

The best use of imagination is innovation & the worst use of imagination is depression.

If you're Innovative then you're using the best of your mind.

If you're depressed then you're using the worst of your mind.

If you're stuck in depression & mental anxiety then starts with getting clarity & truths.

Unlearn your entire beliefs system & develop a new one.

For becoming mentally strong start reading non-fiction self help books. You'll thank me later.

It will take time to master your mind.

But everything worth mastering takes time.

Remember, success is slowly but suddenly.

Succeed Individually.

- KK

Kunal Karma

"Karma letter" Is the second half of your creator journey you've already started. Do yourself a favor & let the "Karma letter" build you.

Read more from Kunal Karma

If you don't know what you want out of life then you'll be assigned one and the harsh reality is that you'll believe it.You wake up, you pick up your phone, you start scrolling....That's how your ideal days look like...If you narrow your focus and try to understand what you do at the time you wake up till the time you go to bed you'll be shocked.because You have no idea how consuming your lifestyle is.The harsh reality is that most of the people are living on autopilot mode.The internet has...

In this world there are only 2 kinds of people:X and YX is the one who works for his business.Y is the one who works for the X business.If you look around yourself, you'll realize that there are only these 2 kinds of people.If you look at Elon musk, Gautam Adani, Mark Zuckerberg or Richard Branson.You'll notice that there are 2 things common in all these people.1 is they are extremely wealthy, and the other one is that they have successfully defeated the education trap.They are the ones who...

Most people are stuck in the same place they were at 1 year ago.Because they are complaining about the things they don't have full control over.They were criticizing about the things they don't have control over.They are comparing themselves with someone whom they don't have full control over.You can't grow If you're living with the mentality where you're just complaining, criticizing and comparing.It even began to dawn upon me that 99 out of 100 people, don't criticize themselves for...